Make a chain flower bracelet, with bright bubbly bead flowers for your wrist...the tutorial includes instructions and photographs and supply information, and you can find it at (look for designer Busy Crow Studio).
Make a fun and lightweight bracelet that features a fluffy wave of rubber oh-rings in the center. The tutorial includes instructions and photographs, and can be found at (search for Rubber Ruffles)
The latest creation in my egg madness is the Chain Maille egg, an egg covered with chain maille and accented with beads and charms. The chain maille uses colored rubber Oh-rings also. The tutorial is available at, and (search for Busy Crow Studio)
I made this chain maille collar with rubber 'oh' rings (that's what they're called at Fire Mountain Gems). The collar is embellished with turquoise colored glass seed beads, size 6. With the color of the rubber rings being a brick red/brown, I've had people ask me if the collar is leather. This collar is so light, you can forget you are wearing it!