If you are in the Southern Caliifornia area, consider entering a craft or needlework item into their Tapestry competitions. The judging is done in the Danish style, meaning they don't place your article side by side with someone else's and say, oh -- that one's FAR better than this one! What they do is judge the item on its own merits (is the technique used to create it done properly, etc.).
The arts of needlework and crafts have GOT to be kept alive, and who knows, you might just submit something that will inspire someone to try their own hand at it. It always seems to me that the Tapestry division of the Los Angeles County Fair seems to get a bit smaller each year, and it would be a shame to have it dwindle down to nothing. You can enter in so many categories, including wood carving, gourds, jewelry, quilting, crocheting, knitting, and much, much more!